Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas is Coming!

Christmas is just a few days away!
The most exciting part is that for the first time in probably my entire life I'm actually done with my shopping and wrapping before Christmas eve! If you're in doubt about how horrible I usually am at getting prepared for Christmas, be sure to ask my husband about our first Christmas eve! I was up wrapping presents until past midnight! Which doesn't sound so bad, except that we had to be in Lindsborg by 5:40 Christmas morning to attend Julotta (a Swedish Christmas Morning service that is an annual tradition in the Larson family).
But not this year! This year we are ready!

To pass along some of the Christmas spirit I've included some pictures of Christmas at our house.

This is the first year I've been able to display my full nativity scene. I'm just missing a creche! (hint hint for my dad!)
And of course there are snowflakes!
The blue snowflake was on our wedding cake this year and the white snowflake was given to me several years ago by a friend.

This ornament is new to our tree this year and was a gift from Bryan's aunt Paula!

Merry Christmas to all! and very safe travels!

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