Friday, January 30, 2009

Congrats to Elena & Kyle!

Congrats to my baby sister and Kyle!
Kyle asked Elena to marry him last night!
and she said yes!
Love & Hugs to them both
and a very Happy Birthday to Kyle!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The move

My grandmother made the move from outside Dallas, Texas to Lindsborg, Kansas this weekend. While we didn't travel to Texas to help with the packing and loading we did help form the Kansas welcoming and unloading commitee!
Here are a few pictures of our cold - cold - cold evening!

Brynn is here!

Congrats to Ryan and Jamie on the arrival of Miss Brynn!
We traveled down to Hutch last night to meet her and catch up with the proud new parents!

(Brynn hanging onto Bryan's finger)

We had a great time and are looking forward to meeting new arrival Brayden this weekend.

Friday, January 23, 2009

What a Week!

Ah January! This was a rough week - and boy am I super happy that it is almost over.

I woke up Monday morning grumpy about going to work (which truthfully is pretty normal for a Monday) I always seem to struggle on those days that the kids are out and there is no school, yet I still have to be there. I mean really where's the fun in that? Anyway I managed to survive the multitude of meetings scheduled and then somehow, thankfully, it was soon Wednesday already.

Wednesday morning is when I woke up grumpy and missing those holiday weeks were I only had to work 2 or 3 days! So I was in a super mood when I was paged by one of my classrooms because they "lost" a child! WHAT? you say? How does a classroom lose a child? That's what I wanted to know! In my 5 years here - I have never had that happen. So after much running around and frantic searching he was discovered, happily playing. And as is the case most of the time with kids, he had no clue he had been "lost".

At just the moment this week when I thought I might need to take a "mental health day" the following quote came my way:

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,
so love the people who treat you right,
forget the ones who don't,
and believe that everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.

Going with the theme of the week, Molly went to the doggy salon yesterday, and was apparently a very grumpy girl. She made escape attempts twice while being trimmed and then refused to let the groomer clip her nails. In the words of the groomer "I have no clue what happened, she is usually so good when she is here."

Here is a picture she let me take post groom at home last night:

We were hoping to have new babies to visit this weekend - but much to the frustration of Jamie and Angela it seems that we will have to wait one more week to meet Brynn and Brayden!
We know you're tired and ready to be done - but hang in there ladies!

My grandma is making the move back to Kansas this weekend. So we'll be headed to Lindsborg to help unload the moving truck on Sunday.

Happy weekends to you all!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

It's January - Who-Hoo!

2009 is here!

I am super excited becuase compared to the last several months of 2008 we have nothing on the calendar! Of course we literally have nothing on a calendar, because we don't have a new 2009 calendar! GRRRRR!
For some strange reason my lovely little dry erase magnetic calendar, which I have purchased every year for several years, is not available in the greater Salina area! And believe me I've checked! I'm going crazy not being able to write down upcoming events and notes! I'm sure it can be purchased online, but I haven't quite given up hope that one of these days I'll walk into a store and there it will be and I won't have to pay shipping and all will be right with the world again. But for now there is a sad blank spot on the fridge where a calendar should be!

We hope everyone had a wonderful New Year's. We spent new year's eve in Hutch w/ Ryan, Jamie, and their current brood of 4 legged kids. We celebrated with our tradition of good food, dominoes, and lots of laughs. Ryan was the dominoe champion, although he wasn't able to win "blindfolded" as his pregame talk assured us he would. It wouldn't be a complete night without a little bit of adventure, which came about 11:20 as Ryan and Bryan took off to round up a cow that had "jumped the fence", but all went smoothly and she was quickly rounded up and returned to the field. Bryan and I couldn't help but wonder the next morning as we headed back north what New Year's eve 2009 would be like as Ryan and Jamie will soon be welcoming Brynn to the family. We are so excited to meet her!
Of course 2009 is bringing lots of new arrivals. Brayden (Bryan's brother Rob and Sister in law Angela are the proud expectant parents) is also scheduled to make an appearance in just a few weeks. Bryan's former roommates, Chris and Erin, are expecting a little girl soon after that and then this spring we will be heading to Wichita to meet another little girl, Chris and Sonya's newest family member, who will join older sister Kaitlyn.

As for our 2009 plans? I'm excited to say that plans for our Honeymoon trip are being discussed but for now we're focused on lots of thank you notes!
Love and Hugs!