Monday, March 16, 2009

Potting Bench!

My wonderful husband began, and almost finished, an awesome project this weekend!
It is the long awaited potting bench - just in time for Spring planting and repotting!
Here are some lovely pics of the process!

and of course one very happy puppy dog who got to play outside all weekend!


Clickin Mama J said...

Okay you have to explain the potting bench. Is this to sit pots of flowers on... or is it to use to pot flowers. I'm intrigued! I may need a potting bench.....

TheCarlsonCrew said...

Oh, Megs (or should I call you Martha Stewart?)...sometimes showering on a daily basis is more effort than I want to expend and here you all are building a POTTING BENCH! I love you for that.

What a wonderful husband you have! And a happy puppy, too...I'd call the weekend a success!

Meg said...

The potting bench is to use while potting and repotting! It will come in much handier then the small table I've used the last 5 years!
But don't go thinking I've gone all Martha Stewart Lindso! My husband could tell you some great stories about my "cooking" abilities!