Thursday, May 21, 2009

Random Thoughts & Pictures

A random sampling of pictures from the last month.

We had a yard sale last weekend in an attempt to clear out the house and storage shed.
It was a prime example of Kansas weather - don't be fooled by the sunny sky. We were seriously cold for most of the day!
Here is a snapshot of my mom trying to get warm in the sun!

A couple of week's ago I came home on a Friday afternoon to find these beautiful flowers on the kitchen table! What an awesome husband!

There has been much planting over the last month! The new potting bench is coming in very handy. Here are a few pics of some of our front yard flowers.

and finally - After much waiting Molly finally got to go to Soggy Dog Salon.
Here she is with her new summer cut!

Congrats to Brooke & Shane!!!

Okay so I have majorly slacked off on the updates - mostly due to the craziness that is the end of the school year.
However as of Tuesday, school is officially out, and summer is here!
So my first post of summer has to be:
Brooke & Shane are engaged! Many, many congrats to you both!
Here is a picture Brooke sent that was taken after the big event.

Brooke will be making her way to Kansas this weekend!
So we are excited to see her and spend some time catching up.

Love, Hugs, and Congrats to Brooke & Shane!