Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas in KC

A few pictures of our Christmas in KC!
Many thanks to Rob and Ang for taking such good care of us and welcoming a full house of overnight guests when the weather wasn't very cooperative.

Brayden checking out the gifts
Alex and Brayden before all the unwrapping
Alex with Grandma & Grandad checking out his new Wii game

Brayden's bow courtesy of Aunt Meg

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Life is an Adventure!

Molly in front of our old tree

So it's been awhile since I've posted anything . . . mostly due in part to the fact that our computer was quickly heading downhill. So despite how much I wanted to share our life adventures, I wasn't willing to wait half an hour for a picture to upload! BUT! We are now back in business with a much happier and faster computer!

Which leads me to be able to share a wonderful Christmas adventure with you!

Our story really begins in November, when I finally decided that we were in need of a prelit tree. Mostly because my hands would get ripped to shreds as I tried to put the lights on and also because I think they just look prettier! Thus began my month long stalking of lighted Christmas trees at all of our local retailers! I found the perfect one at Target and then I just sat back and waited until that magical sale sign went up! Then it happened last week, 50% off! But it was not to be, as by the time I made it there - it was gone!

But today a joyous thing occurred, as I was out at Target, searching for a last minute gift, I happen to see that the trees are now really marked down!So I snatch my new favorite up and head to the front of the store, only to find out that only the display trees are the ones on sale. (Back in my Target days we didn't sell the display trees, but I realize that times are a changing and I am more than willing to take advantage of the discounts!) So I told em to load up the display tree and bring it on up!

After some lovely moments involving me trying to get a tree out the front doors and into our car we were on our way! (If anyone should tell you that they saw a woman with the bottom half of a christmas tree over her head walking out the door of Target in Salina today, that most certainly would not have been me!)
Then came the getting it in the house and set up. I must say either our living room is smaller than I remembered or the tree grew between the store and home, Either way I spent the afternoon transferring decorations from the old tree to the new tree and giggling as I thought about what Bryan would say when he got home!
Mols checking out the new tree.

Molly in front of the new tree!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Molly Pictures

Okay so it's pretty evident that our dog can be a bit of a "ham" when it comes to pictures.
Here are a few that she let me take over my lunch hour today.
Despite the fact that I have done almost nothing with the garden recently - the okra is blooming again and is so pretty to see! I couldn't resist taking a picture of it too!

Happy Weekend!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School

Well school is officially back in full swing! The transition from summer to school days has been a bit rough for me this year as work has been full of many, many, many changes in the last few months. I have felt so very fortunate to have a supportive husband to come home to each day and to cheer me up when my days have been crazy! Just in case I haven't said it enough - thank you Bryan - for keeping me sane the last few months!

We don't have a back to school picture to take yet - but I thought I would share a recent shot of Mols posing during the last days of summer.

We had a relaxing labor day weekend! Friday night had us traveling to Lindsborg for dinner with my mom and grandma and awesome homemade chicken enchillada's! (Thanks grandma!) Dad was trekking in the wilds of Colorado and missed out! Saturday was spent cleaning around the house and enjoying the opening day of the college football season - GO HAWKS!

Sunday we traveled to the big 'borg again to visit with my cousin Mike and wife Laine visiting from Missouri and then on to a BBQ with some friends in the hopping metropolis of Assaria, Kansas! Monday meant sleeping in - and the oficial start of fall decorating around the house.

Our fall schedule is filling up fast and we are looking forward to the many opportunities to spend time with family and friends over the next few months!
Happy fall ya'll!

Welcome Hadley! (A bit late)

A big congrats to the Carlson Crew on the newest family member, Hadley!

I had the pleasure of meeting her in person 2 weeks ago and she is absolutely beautiful!
Here she is shortly after arrival being loved on by big brother Connor and big sister Kylee.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Our Beautiful Garden

Ahhh some lovely pictures of our growing garden!

The Okra & Onions

Banana & Green Peppers
Fresh picked and ready to eat!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Random Thoughts & Pictures

A random sampling of pictures from the last month.

We had a yard sale last weekend in an attempt to clear out the house and storage shed.
It was a prime example of Kansas weather - don't be fooled by the sunny sky. We were seriously cold for most of the day!
Here is a snapshot of my mom trying to get warm in the sun!

A couple of week's ago I came home on a Friday afternoon to find these beautiful flowers on the kitchen table! What an awesome husband!

There has been much planting over the last month! The new potting bench is coming in very handy. Here are a few pics of some of our front yard flowers.

and finally - After much waiting Molly finally got to go to Soggy Dog Salon.
Here she is with her new summer cut!

Congrats to Brooke & Shane!!!

Okay so I have majorly slacked off on the updates - mostly due to the craziness that is the end of the school year.
However as of Tuesday, school is officially out, and summer is here!
So my first post of summer has to be:
Brooke & Shane are engaged! Many, many congrats to you both!
Here is a picture Brooke sent that was taken after the big event.

Brooke will be making her way to Kansas this weekend!
So we are excited to see her and spend some time catching up.

Love, Hugs, and Congrats to Brooke & Shane!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Furniture!!!!!!!

Tuesday was a very exciting day for us as our new living room furniture arrived!
Here are a few pictures of the grand arrival!

Good-bye old couches!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Snowy Saturday

A few pictures of our Saturday morning winter wonderland.

The new potting bench all covered in snow.

Bryan & Molly had a great time playing catch with snowballs.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Congrats to the Walker Family!

Sonya, Chris, and Kaitlyn welcomed new family member
Isabel Shay this afternoon!
We look forward to meeting her and catch up with you all soon!

It's Done!

My wonderful husband finished the potting bench tonight after work!
Someone can't wait to start planting!

Spring is almost here!

The weather has been beautiful this week!
So far I have successfully fought the urge to rush out and purchase plants, mostly because I am fully aware I live in Kansas and I expect we're not done with the cold yet!
However the weather has allowed Bryan a bit more time to work on the potting bench!
He put the bottom shelf on last night, so now just two more shelves to go and I'll be ready to start potting and repotting plants!
I did start a couple of bulbs inside this year.
They have really taken off this week, loving the sunshine in the front window!
We would also like to pass on some very happy wishes!
A very happy first birthday to Mr. Sylas! (and his mom Jess). We hope it is a wonderful day for you both and hope to see you again very soon!
Congrats to Chris & Erin on the birth of their daughter, Reese! What a great way to celebrate St. Patrick's day!
and to the Carlson Crew - Linds, Brandon, Connor, and Kylee -
many many congratulations and a giant cyber hug for you all on the wonderful news of a new family member!
August is an awesome month for a birthday! We are so excited for you guys!
Here are a few pictures of our recent adventures and some spring blooms!

Mols lounging in the backseat on our recent trip to visit Gerald, Margaret, Phyllis, and Tom in Scranton.

The bottom of the potting bench done!

New flowers poking through the soil in the front window

Monday, March 16, 2009

Potting Bench!

My wonderful husband began, and almost finished, an awesome project this weekend!
It is the long awaited potting bench - just in time for Spring planting and repotting!
Here are some lovely pics of the process!

and of course one very happy puppy dog who got to play outside all weekend!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Wedding Pictures!

We received our wedding pictures back about 2 weeks ago, but we really haven't had much time to do anything with them other than a few previews for our families. Here are a few I thought I would share. I'll post more soon.

The "girls"
Elena, Sonya, Meg, Brooke, & Karen

The "boys"
Ryan, Jeff, Bryan, Rob, & Mark

The Wagoner's

Rob, Angela, Alex, Bryan, Jane & Steve

Meg's family
Larson's & Hurtig's

Brooke, Lee, Kim, Meg, Elena & Chris